Acupuncture is the oldest continuously used system of healing in the world.
Ancient chinese texts from 100 BC describe a fully developed system that must have developed over long periods of time before those texts were written down. Limited to the eastern part of the globe for many centuries, acupuncture took hold in the west after Chinese/American relations thawed in the 1970’s and westerners were able to have a close-up look at Chinese medicine. Journalists traveling to China described seeing surgeries using only acupuncture as anesthesia, and some even experienced acupuncture themselves and communicated its great effectiveness back to their western audiences. Since then we have seen an explosion of the use of acupuncture in the west. It’s use continues to grow because it is very effective.
Acupuncture is an amazingly versatile modality, treating an enormous range of conditions – from Fertility to Joint Pain.
People weary of multiple drug prescriptions embrace it because acupuncture mobilizes the body’s own internal healing mechanisms, so no medicine is involved. It is an amazingly versatile modality, treating an enormous range of conditions – from fertility to joint pain. Tiny, hair thin needles are the only tools used, thus making it very safe and incredibly cost effective. A one hour acupuncture treatment can often abort a bad migraine much more effectively than a lengthy, expensive emergency room visit. Most conversations we have with people when they find out what we do start with “Can acupuncture treat . . . .?” Curiosity and interest in this amazing healing art are always expanding. This website will be continuously updated with informative postings and links about acupuncture, so we invite you to come back to learn more.
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